How long before booking? Frequently asked questions among those preparing for a trip to California and still thinking about it: California is one of the world’s tourism destinations and also among the simplest places to see, so travel planning is fairly easy given that it still takes time to choose carefully what to see and what to do. After countless trips to California and the United States,

due to its climate, has also been renamed the Golden Coast. It is a fairly narrow and long strip of land with the southern part much more populated than the northern part and the geographical boundaries that go towards Mexico to the south (Tijuana is a few kilometers from San Diego) and to the very North American Oregon. Arizona and Nevada are a stone’s throw from California and it is no coincidence that very often you decide to visit Las Vegas during your travels in California.
Always, I would say myself speaking without a minimum of reasoning. But to be honest, the California climate makes this place ideal for a vacation at any time of the year. For me the best time is that which goes from November to April because it is good, the sun is hot but does not burn too much and the number of tourists is limited, especially after Christmas and New Year. Among other things, flights and accommodations cost even less from January to April and therefore, besides being less crowded, the destination is also cheaper. Indeed, it could, let’s put it this way.
california map
Few but necessary things:
A passport valid at least 6 months from the date of arrival;
The ESTA to enter the United States that is required from here (and can be renewed every 2 years);
Travel insurance that includes travel and even illness: it is practically never needed but the cost is negligible and having it does not hurt;
International driving license if yours is not (click here for more information)
The credit card because if you rent the car it will be mandatory and in many hotels also (the ATM may not be accepted!);A list of medicines you can’t take, medications and foods you’re allergic to [obviously translated into English eh?]